Let’s Embrace the VGMA – TGMA Experience and Pardon their Flaws – Derrick Manny


Award events occasionally spark some controversy. Perceived partiality or bias in the selection process is one of the prevalent problems. People might feel that certain artists or players are overlooked or snubbed. The underrepresentation of particular groups or genres due to a lack of diversity is another problem. These are just a couple of the many discussions that happen around awards events. It’s always interesting to see how people’s opinions differ!

Even though identifying, honouring, and celebrating extraordinary contributions made by creatives to the music industry is the main objective of the Vodafone Ghana Music Awards, now known as the Telecel Ghana Music Awards, these concerns and issues cannot be disregarded.

Derrick Manny, a Ghanaian entertainment enthusiast and pundit, has written an open letter to the notable TGMA’s organisers and important players. Addressing his concerns, he wrote;

The reality we all have to understand is that award schemes are not Government schools that all the citizens are entitled to a fair share of the cake, even with that at times there are question marks.

Award schemes are business entities, I mean money-making institutions that are working to pay bills on a realistic basis. We should understand that at a point lobbying is allowed especially when you have a strong bond (solid links and plugs) with the Board members who enjoy (PROTOCOL) and other incentives to make their position relevant.

The fact that your favorite artist wasn’t nominated does not mean the BOARD IS WEAK neither biased, or not circumspect, even Christianity does not favor all Christians.

Let’s embrace the new change (VGMA) to (TGMA) with positive energy to accelerate their progress and cement their presence to greatness.

We all have flaws as humans, but don’t let us make it look as if getting a nomination or winning an award is the yardstick to measure musical success.

It’s good to be honored and recognized but in all, God Time is the best 👍.

Congratulations to all the Nominees.

Source Kobbyjosvan.com
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