“I hold our African leaders accountable, not America” – Dr. Waheed Musah on Anti-LGBTQ bill


LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) citizens of Ghana face unique difficulties not shared by non-LGBT citizens. The vast majority of Ghanaians have anti-LGBT views. LGBT people frequently face physical and violent homophobic attacks, which are frequently instigated by religious and political leaders as well as the media.

Dr. Waheed Musah, a Ghanaian diplomat, humanitarian scientist, and Special Envoy of the UN Youth Association, has offered his opinions on the state of the LGBTQ community today.

The Ghanaian youth advocate claims that African leaders’ incapacity to reach a firm decision is to blame for their current predicament, not the Western world’s stance on it.

In addressing the issue, he noted;

I don’t solely blame America; I also hold our African leaders accountable. Despite their wealth and power, they often seem to prioritize foreign interests over those of their own people. Ghana, like other African nations, is independent and free, with constitutional and cultural values that should guide our decisions. America cannot dictate to us; we have the right to express our own wishes and determine our own path.

Are you in Africa to conduct LGBTQ+ business, or are you here to erode our fundamental human values?

How can you be proud of pampering diaper generations whose anuses are licking like water falls, and you called this madness a right? Don’t you know that same-sex activities are a major problem, and they need medical support to guide them towards the right order of human values?

In recent years, America has faced criticism for its efforts to promote LGBTQ+ rights in African nations, with accusations of using economic support as a tool for coercion. This approach has sparked a heated debate, raising questions about the boundaries of democracy, human rights, and cultural respect.

For generations, the common practice has been a sacred sexual relationship between man and woman, which stands as our oldest form of sexual union. Any deviation from this norm has been deemed an abomination in every religious, ethical, and cultural context. America, if you desire a generation of different values, that is your prerogative, but do not force others or withdraw economic aid because they refuse to adopt what I consider a departure from fundamental human values.

America’s decision to cancel $3.8 billion in deals with Ghana due to our parliament passing an anti-LGBTQ+ bill is not only foolish but also lacks diplomatic tact.

Africa, too, must consider canceling all economic integrations with America, including trade in raw materials, and cancel all American products and companies in Africa, in response to this pressure.

I believe that while America has the right to practice LGBTQ+ rights within its borders, imposing these beliefs on other nations violates the principles of democracy. Democracy, in my view, should reflect the will of the majority, and imposing minority beliefs runs counter to this notion.

Moreover, I understand the concerns about the clash of cultural, religious, and constitutional values at stake. LGBTQ+ rights can be seen as conflicting with traditional African values and beliefs, making the imposition of these rights a form of cultural imperialism. It’s important to respect and preserve Africa’s rich cultural and traditional heritage.

I also share concerns about the potential health implications of LGBTQ+ lifestyles. America’s push for these rights could have negative consequences for African societies, which are still grappling with the legacy of Western influence from centuries of colonization.

Furthermore, I agree that there are pressing issues in Africa that require immediate attention, such as healthcare, education, infrastructure, and economic development. America should prioritize addressing these issues rather than imposing its values on African nations.

In conclusion, while America’s efforts to promote LGBTQ+ rights are rooted in a desire for equality and human rights, the approach of imposing these rights on African nations raises complex ethical and cultural questions. Finding a balance between promoting human rights and respecting cultural diversity remains a challenge in the ongoing debate over LGBTQ+ rights in Africa.

Common sense should guide America to consider whether they truly value the practice of same-sex relationships among their future generations.

Source Kobbyjosvan.com
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