NRSA Reports: 369 people died in 2,260 traffic accidents in the first 2 months of 2024


Ghana has seen a startling increase in traffic accidents in the first two months of 2024, with 2,260 crashes reported nationwide.

This concerning figure underscores the urgent need for improved road safety measures as it has led to the tragic deaths of 369 people, 2,552 injuries, and 381 pedestrian knockdowns involving 3,910 vehicles.

The National Road Safety Authority (NRSA) collected the data, which highlights Ghana’s ongoing struggles to reduce the deadly number of traffic accidents. Despite continuous efforts to enforce traffic laws and upgrade road infrastructure, the high number of crashes and fatalities is still a cause for concern.

The majority of traffic accidents, according to the NRSA, were caused by careless driving, speeding, and mechanical issues with cars. These elements have led to an increase in accidents and the ensuing death toll, which has been exacerbated by bad road conditions and insufficient safety precautions.

In response to these alarming statistics, Ing. David Osafo Adonteng stressed during the launch of the 2024 Road Safety Easter Campaign that the numbers indicate a 0.49% increase in crashes, a 1.37% increase in vehicles involved, and a 2.0% increase in persons injured.

Notably, compared to the first two months of 2023, the number of fatalities rose by 11.82%.

To increase awareness among drivers, they have stressed the significance of enforcing traffic laws strictly, improving driver education programmes, and launching publicity campaigns.

With the goal of lowering traffic accidents and fatalities, the NRSA has reaffirmed its commitment to working with pertinent parties to develop comprehensive strategies.

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