Turkish, Italian fashion designers to collaborate on the “Enheduanna” project


A large-scale design competition will be held as part of the “Enheduanna” project, which unites Turkish and Italian fashion designers. The competition will feature 20 fabrics made in ancient Anatolia along with 12 historical Mesopotamian women.

The project bears Enheduanna’s name, who was the daughter of King Sargon of Akkad, one of Mesopotamia’s ancient civilizations. The project’s first meeting took place at Istanbul’s Italian Cultural Centre.

Twenty historical fabrics with geographic indications from Anatolian culture will be used in the project’s fashion design competition. The competition’s goal is to create clothing for twelve historical Mesopotamian women. Prominent figures from the fashion industry, including Özlem Erkan, Frances Venneri, Giovanni Ottonello, and Fırat Neziroğlu, will serve on the project’s jury.

A symposium of “history and culture committees” of the project, which also aims to support Anatolian women, will be held on Jan. 24-25 at Bahçeşehir University. The clothing design for the Enheduanna competition will be produced from March 6 to April 18. On May 15, the goods will be on display in a fashion show at the Rahmi M. Koç Museum.

The founder of the Anatolian Textile Network, Neziroğlu, stated that Çatalhöyük is home to the oldest fabric, proving that Anatolia is the birthplace of textiles. Turkish knots were also used to weave the oldest carpet ever discovered. The earliest known civilizations were found in Anatolia, which is also where the earliest examples of clothing culture originated.

“Anatolian weavings, which arose in the context of this ancient knowledge, have given us exceptional examples due to their climate and topography. These days, the textiles made using these techniques teach us about true sustainability and show reverence for the environment,” he continued.

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