Liha Miller on Her Unsuccessful Marriage to Patapaa


German socialite Liha Miller has announced the end of her marriage to Ghanaian musician Patapaa Amisty, which began in 2021.

In a recent viral interview, Miller revealed that their marriage began to deteriorate shortly after the wedding.

“I don’t usually want to discuss it, but there’s a lot of misinformation, so I need to clarify a few things,” she said. “I married Patapaa in 2021, but the marriage didn’t work out.”

Miller explained that although their marriage has not been legally dissolved yet, they are in the process of getting a divorce.

“We are officially married because we had a court marriage, and in Ghana, it’s a process. I’ve asked for a divorce, so we’re in the middle of that. Patapaa and I haven’t spoken directly for years; the last time I saw him was after our wedding in 2021. Since then, we haven’t communicated at all,” she explained.

Miller mentioned that she had been requesting a divorce for a long time, but Patapaa hadn’t taken it seriously. “The marriage just didn’t succeed,” she added.

Patapaa and Liha Miller were married in January 2021 in Agona Swedru, Central Region. By 2022, Patapaa expressed his displeasure over Liha’s decision to pursue a comedy career in Nigeria without his consent. He disapproved of her appearing in skits he felt were inappropriate, including one where a man with dreadlocks removed her pants on set.

“I love my wife, but after her trip to Nigeria, I told her not to come back to me. She wanted to return to Ghana, but I didn’t allow it. I know her as a nurse, not a comedian,” Patapaa told Cape Coast-based Kastle FM. He also mentioned that his family criticized him for marrying Liha after seeing the video.

In 2022, Patapaa’s father, Opanyin Kwesi Amoah, denied rumours of their divorce, insisting that the couple was still legally married and on good terms. However, Patapaa later explained that their separation was partly due to Liha’s work commitments as a nurse in Germany.

Recently, Liha was seen with a “mystery man” she referred to as her husband, sparking speculation that she has found new love. She is currently in Ghana, collaborating on various projects with skit producer Atemmuda.

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