CEO of IHCC Advocates for Youth Job Creation


The renowned CEO and founder of the Centre International Humanity Chamber of Commerce (IHCC), Dr. Waheed Musah, has underlined the vital significance of creating jobs for young people. He emphasised in a recent statement how important it is for the advancement of the country for young people to be given the freedom to create their own employment opportunities.

Dr. Musah stated that the high unemployment rate in the country is a serious threat to national security and expressed his deep concern for it. He bemoaned the fact that an increasing number of young people are resorting to illegal activities in order to survive because they lack formal employment.

The CEO of IHCC emphasised how important it is to evaluate how capable today’s graduates are of starting their own businesses. He asserted that students in Ghana’s present educational system are not sufficiently prepared for entrepreneurship.

Dr. Musah urged the Ministry of Youth and Sports to create a fund to assist young people starting their own businesses. He argued for a move towards a more hands-on approach and emphasised the value of industrialising the educational system and providing practical training.

Dr. Musah concluded by highlighting the benefits of youth-led job creation for the advancement of the nation. He emphasised that not only will a well-functioning system of support for young entrepreneurs raise national standards, but it will also make a major contribution to the reduction of poverty.

Under the inspiring direction of Dr. Waheed Musah, the Centre International Humanity Chamber of Commerce remains a frontrunner in the fight for economic development and youth empowerment.

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